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Vespa Sprint 2 Stage Led Headlight

11/08/2017 489 đã xem

Vespa Sprint 2 Stage Led Headlight

2-level led headlights are available on the following models: Exciter, Vision, Winner, Lead,... Today, Hoang Tri Racing Shop introduces you to this classy toy on the Piaggio Vespa Sprint line. With vespa 2-level headlights, you will get a toy with the body of a high-class car of Honda - SH Italy.

You may be interested: vespa Sprint - Primavera .

FAQ about vespa Sprint 2-stage led headlights:

 Does the vespa 2-stage headlight need to be modified? How long is the installation time?

With vespa Sprint 2-stage LED headlight product , it is completely unprocessed to attach the original to the car. So the installation time is extremely fast, just remove the zin and attach the headlights and you will have a high-class toy - LED 2 tier vespa Sprint

 Is it brighter instead?

The product, after being installed in the car, produces a beam of light that is twice as bright as the vespa Sprint 2-stage LED headlight cluster without the vespa Sprint . Those who often go at night can feel more secure when installing this 2-stage LED headlight.

 Is there a full cos phase like a zin car?

The product is completely attached to the zin for Vespa Sprint, so it still has the full function of the headlight, giving the feeling of using a zin with full phase cos on the car.

 Is there shipping to the province for vespa 2-storey led products ?

This product Hoang Tri Racing Shop accepts orders online and contact us directly via hotline 0909 4747 13 - 0909 5030 25. You need to read more online ordering instructions of Hoang Tri Racing Shop to be able to order and receive goods conveniently. .

Please see on hand the 2-stage Led headlight cluster, the zin headlight cluster and some pictures of the Vespa Sprint 2-stage LED phase:

On hand, compare 2-stage led headlights (left) and zin lights (right) - completely different levels

On hand, compare 2-stage led headlights (left) and zin lights (right) - completely different levels

A close-up of a high-class toy with 2-stage led lights vespa sprint

A close-up of a high-class toy with 2-stage led lights vespa sprint

The product after installing on the car and testing the light

The product after installing on the car and testing the light

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