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YSS G-Sport oil tank fork with standard Winner - Sonic

11/08/2017 454 đã xem

YSS G-Sport oil tank fork with standard Winner - Sonic

The storm named "oil tank fork" landed on Hoang Tri. Bring a variety of beautiful forks at Hoang Tri Racing Shop. In particular, the YSS G-Sport oil tank fork with Sonic - Winner standard is docked a lot. Are you looking to buy forks for Winner, Sonic cars? Come to Hoang Tri Racing Shop right away.

You may want to see more: Sonic - Winner AHM exhaust

YSS G-Sport oil tank fork products challenge potholes, roads under construction with smoothness and good elasticity. For those customers who are having problems with the fork leaking oil, fork or squeaking, it's time to replace a new type of fork for their vehicle.

In addition to the ability to maximize the smoothness compared to the zin fork, the product also has a button to increase the elasticity of the car with a 2-way knob at the foot of the fork. You can adjust it yourself to better suit yourself.

YSS G-Sport oil tank with Winner - Sonic standard is an accessory that brings a completely new experience to your pet. Call Hoang Tri immediately if you need advice on Winner or Sonic setups.

Hotline: 0909 4747 13 - 0909 5030 25

Address 1: 158 -160 Han Hai Nguyen, Ward 8, District 11, HCMC

Address 2: 586 Pham The Hien, Ward 4, District 8, HCMC

Close-up of the YSS G-Sport oil tank fork with Winner, Sonic

Close-up of the YSS G-Sport oil tank fork with Winner, Sonic

Phuộc bình dầu YSS G-Sport gắn chuẩn Sonic

YSS G-Sport oil tank fork with standard Sonic

Xe Sonic chơi tông đỏ - bạc (lắp bình dầu YSS G-Sport cực hợp)

Sonic car plays red - silver tone (installs a very suitable YSS G-Sport oil tank)

Cận cảnh chi tiết bình dầu YSS G-Sport đã được lắp đặt cho Sonic

Close-up detail of YSS G-Sport oil tank installed for Sonic

Trên tay bình dầu gắn phuộc YSS gắn Winner

On the hand is an oil tank with a YSS fork attached to Winner

Cận cảnh logo được in nổi trên bình dầu

Close-up of the logo embossed on the oil tank

Nhân viên kỹ thuật đang lắp đặt phuộc bình dầu YSS G-Sport cho winner 150

Technical staff is installing YSS G-Sport oil tank fork for winner 150

Sản phẩm phuộc YSS sau khi lắp đặt trên xe Winner

YSS fork product after installing on Winner car

Đã lắp đặt hoàn chỉnh và gắn dàn áo vào cho khách hàng

Completely installed and attached the shirt for the customer

Màu sắc tông sẹc tông với màu xe của Winner 150

Color tones with Winner's car color 150

Phuộc được gắn chuẩn và có bình dầu để trang trí trên xe

The fork is fitted as standard and has an oil tank for decoration on the car

Winner 150 đã gắn phuộc bình dầu YSS G-Sport

Winner 150 has installed YSS G-Sport oil tank fork

Trên tay bình dầu thương hiệu YSS G-Sport nhỏ gọn

In hand, compact YSS G-Sport brand oil tank

Hoàn thành tác phẩm gắn phuộc YSS cho winner

Completing the work of attaching YSS forks to the winner

Có nút điều chỉnh độ nhún của phuộc 2 chiều tại chân phuộc

There is a button to adjust the swing of the 2-way fork at the fork foot

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